Waverly Park to Spencer

All multi-day trips on the West Fork White River can include any combination of segments from Waverly Park (Waverly IN), Henderson Ford, Martinsville (3 Rivers),  all the way through Paragon, Gosport, to Spencer.  Waverly to Spencer is a 2-3 day trip.  We recommend book at least a week in advance. $100 per day for a large solo kayaks capable of  hauling camping gear.   The price of a shuttle only with your own kayak and camping gear depends on your drop off and pick points.

We do not outfit with canoes on the West Fork White River. Kayaks Only


Morgan County

Old Waverly Park to Henderson Ford 

Challenge: 2
Duration: 3.5 hours
Wilderness Experience: 1
Age Suitability: 10 yrs and up

Henderson Ford to Three Rivers (Martinsville)

Challenge: 2
Duration: 5.5 hours
Wilderness Experience: 2
Age Suitability: 12 yrs and up

Three Rivers to Paragon Morgan County

Challenge: 2
Duration: 6 hours
Wilderness Experience: 2
Age Suitability: 12 yrs and up

Owen County

Paragon to Gosport 

Challenge: 1
Duration: 3.5 hours, 7.5 miles
Wilderness Experience: 2
Age Suitability: 10 yrs and up


Gosport to Spencer 

Challenge: 3
Duration: 5.5 Hours
Wilderness Experience: 2 (this trip has some trees down in the river)
Age Suitability: 14 yrs and up